2017 — Ph.D. Water Resources Engineering, Texas A&M University, USA.
2012 — M.S. Geographic Information Engineering, Wuhan University, China.
2008 — B.S. Engineering of Surveying and Mapping, Southeast University, China.
2020-present — Postdoctoral Scholar, University of South Florida.
2017-2020 — Postdoctoral Scholar, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Remote sensing of water quality
Lake ice phenology
Remote sensing of reservoir monitoring
Machine learning
Sharma, S., M. F. Meyer, J. Culpepper, X. Yang, S. Hampton, S. A. Berger, M. R. Brousil, S. C. Fradkin, S. N. Higgins, K. J.Jankowski, G. Kirillin, A. P. Smits, E. C. Whitaker, F. Yousef and S. Zhang (in press), Integrating perspectives to understand lake ice dynamics in a changing world. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences.
Zhang, S. and H. Gao (2020), Using the Digital Elevation Model (DEM) to improve the spatial coverage of the MODIS based reservoir monitoring network in South Asia. Remote Sensing, 12: 745.3.
Zhang, S. and T. M. Pavelsky (2019). Remote Sensing of Lake Ice Phenology across a Range of Lakes Sizes, ME, USA. Remote Sensing, 11 (14), 1718.
Li, Y., H. Gao, M. F. Jasinski, S. Zhang, and J. D. Stoll (2019). Deriving High-Resolution Reservoir Bathymetry From ICESat-2 Prototype Photon-Counting Lidar and Landsat Imagery IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 57 (10), 7883-7893
Zhang, S. and H. Gao (2016), A New Algorithm for Improving the Temporal Resolution of Remotely Sensed Reservoir Storage. Geophysical Research Letters, 43: 8052-8059.
Gao, H., S. Zhang, R. Fu, W. Li, and R. E. Dickinson (2016), Inter-annual Variation of the Surface Temperature of Tropical Forests from SSM/I Observations, Advances in Meteorology, 2016: 4741390.